10:10 AM – 11:20 AM
Zhunisbek Askar Rakhymbayuly - Chairman of the Board of the State Technical Service.
Topic: "State policy in the field of information security: challenges and prospects"
Abdikalikov Ruslan Kenzhebekovich, Chairman of ISC.
Topic of the speech: (Pending)
Ulygbek Kadyrzhanovich Shambulov, Deputy Chairman of the State Technical Service.
Topic: "AI in Cybersecurity"
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Dr. Yussuf Hassan Ahmed, Course Lead of Cybersecurity Programmes at Birmingham City University.
Topic: “Cybersecurity in the Age of Convergence: Protecting OT/IT Integration from Evolving Risks”
Dr. Yonghao (Leo) Wang, Associate Professor of Cyber Security Lead, Birmingham City University
Topic: “Blockchain as a Double-Edged Sword: Ensuring AI Model Traceability While Addressing Security and Fraud Risks”
Mohsen Guizani, Professor and IEEE Fellow Machine Learning Department, MBZUAI, UAE
Topic: “Privacy of Intelligent IoT Systems with Federated Learning“
12:30 PM - 01:00 PM
Scientific and Research Center “CyberTech” Opening Ceremony
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Lunch Break
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Masalovich Andrey Igorevich, Cyber Grandfather
Topic: "Pathfinders of the digital forest: The new face of OSINT in the age of AI"
Daniel Chernov, TeamLead in Eclipse Digital.
Topic: "Spring Boot and Keycloak: Security without compromise"
Sergey Belov, Director of Information Security at Acronis
Topic: (Pending)
03:10 PM - 04:10 PM
Olzhas Satiev CEO, Tsarka Group.
Topic: "How we build Kazakhstan's cyber shield"
Salipov Dauren, CEO MSSP.GLOBAL.
Topic: "Investing in the Future of Cybersecurity"
Valery Zubanov, Managing Director of Kaspersky (Kazakhstan)
Topic: " Cyberresults for 2024. Forecasts for 2025"
04:20 PM - 04:50 PM
Coffee Break
05:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Oleg Bil, Head of Threat Research "Seven Hills of Kazakhstan"
Topic: “Devitalization of a malicious object protected by KoiVM”
Arnur Tokhtabayev, PhD, R&D Founder and CEO tLab Technologies, (Kazakhstan)
Topic: “The Role of Anti-APT in Countering Modern Malware: Adapting to the Dynamic Cyber Threat Landscape”
Medet Turin, Cyber Security Expert - Head of CITIZENSEC
Topic: (Pending)
Aruzhan Kaldybek, Cybersecurity Researcher / Enthusiast
Topic: (Pending)
07:00 PM
Gala Dinner